Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Symbolism in dreaminng - it works. Just ask your gut feeling (and the Uni Verse) :)))

I am often asked "how to improve intuition". While I may not be an intuition expert, I know this: the more you establish a bridge to your subconscious mind, the merrier:) (and the more intuitive you may become).

Ok so here is a thought: we do probably live in paralel worlds, with the visible reality only a part of them. These other worlds, beside our "reality", exist energetically. Our "higher self" is basically in touch with these other realities. Since miracles happen constantly, and even more so when we are tuned in to the uni-verse, it pay to pay attention to the inter-connectedness and messages that come our way. Dreaming is a marvelous way to get in touch with all this.

Some dreams are more "processing" while others are clearly premonitory. Some people report no dreaming (of course even lab mice dream) and often seem to want to dream more. There are those who dream occasionally, and those with the real vivid ones - and they seem SO happy about it, like they have some access to a magical world.

Ok, first of all what you focus on grows. The French poet Charles Beaudelaire said the "Life is a forest of symbols". The Uni-Vesre talks through symbolism (sometime it even screams haha). Ok so the more you are able to recognize symbolism in your awaken life - and sleep life - the more you may be in tune with your higher self, drawing more on universal powers and the possibility of self realization! (in other words more fulfilled, connected, present and joyful).

I recommend starting with getting a good dream book. I believe it will just fall at your lap at the book store. Every one has their taste, and you'll find the one just for you.

Go experiment - start a dream journal - even if you only get to seldom remember a dream. With intention, something should happen. Dream books are good for understanding symbolism. The more we pay attention, the more we see them. Understanding the symbolism is even more powerful. Now we are talking Guidance, Affirmation, Protection, Connection.. Many dreams are so intricate amd complex that they defy imagination - they really seem to be coming from somewhere real! Like a good movie, they stay with you.

Dreaming are a key to unlock intuition. Good luck and remember - Life is a Forest of Symbols.

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